Name: Sheemal
Role: Projects Finance Assistant
How many years in the tank business: 9 months in, however have worked in manufacturing for a little more than a year dealing with silos and benching work
Why do you like working at Fuelchief: Since I started in June 2020, I have found the entire team friendly and motivating. They have helped me settle in my role in the early days and made me feel appreciated where possible. I have loved every bit of the journey.
Major accomplishments: Career wise, having done a degree majoring in Accounting and Economics, I have an extensive background in various areas of the accounting field in the hotel and manufacturing industries and am moving to finish my CPAs. In my personal life, I have moved to NZ from Fiji not very long ago and am finding that NZ has grown on me
Favourite country you have travelled to: Fiji, I love going back whenever possible
Guilty Pleasure: Oh! I have quite a few but topping the list is the fact that I can read a good book anywhere, anytime of the day for hours without the need to eat or sleep or have any other worldly worries. I also am guilty of having chocolate and/or mint ice cream in the middle of the night no matter the season.